Parapsychology, Anomalies,
Science, Skepticism, and CSICOP

A Collection of Weblinks
presenting Arguments for and against the Paranormal
with a Critical Look at Pseudo-Skepticism and CSICOP

compiled by Daniel H. Caldwell

Email comments, feedback, criticisms and suggestions to the compiler

Links marked with red bullets are highly recommended.

"Skepticism is about enquiry and doubt, not about denial."

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what
isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true."

"Contrast alone can enable us to appreciate things at their right value;
and unless a judge compares notes and hears both sides
he can hardly come to a correct decision."  

Table of Contents

Parapsychology:  Selected Articles, Books and Websites
"Skepticism" & Skeptical Organizations:  General Resources
Some of the Skeptics & Their Arguments Against the Paranormal
A Critical Look at the "Skeptics" and Their  Arguments
Critiques of CSICOP
Anomalies, Science, "Pseudoscience," and Related Subjects

   Parapsychology:  Selected Articles, Books and Websites

Parapsychology, [Marcello] Truzzi contends as a sociologist, is more tough-minded than many other academic fields, yet paradoxically, it remains a fringe subject.  "Parapsychologists really want to play the game by the proper statistical rules," he expounds. "They're very staid. They thought they could convince these sceptics but the sceptics keep raising the goalposts. It's ironic, because real psychic researchers are very committed to doing real science, more than a lot of people in science are. Yet they get rejected, while we can be slipshod in psychology and sociology and economics and get away with it. We're not painted as the witchdoctors, but they are."  Jonathon Margolis in Uri Geller: Magician or Mystic?
". . . members of the scientific community often judge the parapsychological claims without firsthand knowledge of the experimental evidence. Very few of the scientific critics have examined even one of the many experimental reports on psychic phenomena. Even fewer, if any, have examined the bulk of the parapsychological literature.... Consequently, parapsychologists have justification for their complaint that the scientific community is dismissing their claims without a fair hearing. . . ." Ray Hyman

Articles on Parapsychology and the Paranormal
Bem, Daryl J.  Does Psi Exist?
Bem, Daryl J.  Ganzfeld phenomena
Greeley, Andrew.  The "Impossible":  It's Happening
Gruber, Jordan S.  Review of Dean Radin's book The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena
Hansen, George P.  Magicians Who Endorsed Psychic Phenomena
Irwin, H.J.  Introduction to H.J. Irwin's An Introduction to Parapsychology
Irwin, H.J.  Evaluation of Parapsychology as a Scientific Enterprise (Chapter 17 in H.J. Irwin's An Introduction to Parapsychology

Kuhn, Robert Lawrence et al.  What is Parapsychology?
Kuhn, Robert Lawrence et al.  Can ESP Affect Our Lives?
Kuhn, Robert Lawrence et al.  Can Science Seek the Soul?
Kuhn, Robert Lawrence et al.  Do Brains Make Minds?
Kuhn, Robert Lawrence et al.  What Is Consciousness?
Kuhn, Robert Lawrence et al. 
Strange Physics of the Mind?
Mishlove, Jeffrey.  Life Within Death -- Death Within Life
Mishlove, Jeffrey.  Unusual Powers of Mind Over Matter
Mishlove, Jeffrey.  Astral Projection and Out-Of-Body Experiences
 Mishlove, Jeffrey.  Extrasensory Perception (ESP)
Mishlove, Jeffrey.  Psychokinesis
Mishlove, Jeffrey.  Proper Scientific Controls for ESP Experimentation
Mishlove, Jeffrey.  Evaluating Psi Research
Mishlove, Jeffrey.  To Err is Human
Radin, Dean.  Interview with Dean Radin
Radin, Dean et al.  Frequently Asked Questions about Parapsychology:  Page 1, Page 2, Page 3
Utts, Jessica and Josephson, Brian D.  The Paranormal:  The Evidence and Its Implications for Consciousness

Recommended Books on Parapsychology
Caldwell, Daniel H.  A Core Library of 15 Books on Parapsychology and the Paranormal.
Consciousness Research Laboratory.  CRL Bookstore:  Recommended Books and Resources on Parapsychology
Division of Personality Studies. Books Recommended on Psychical Research and Parapsychology
Psi Explorer.  Recommended Books on Psi Phenomena
Psi Explorer.  Selected Psi Bibliography
Rhine Research Center and Institute for Parapsychology.  Parapsychology Resources:  Booklist
Tart, Charles T.  The Professor's Bookshelf:   Recommended Reading on Parapsychology and Related Subjects

Websites on Parapsychology
American Society for Psychical Research
Archives of Scientists' Transcendent Experiences (TASTE)
Consciousness Research Laboratory (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
Division of Personality Studies, Department of Psychiatric Medicine, University of Virginia
Journal of Parapsychology
Journal of Scientific Exploration
Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Parapsychological Association
Parapsychology Foundation
Parapsychology Resources on Internet
  Parapsychology Sources
Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Lab (Princeton University)
Psi Explorer
Rhine Research Center and Institute for Parapsychology
Society for Psychical Research
Society for Scientific Exploration

   "Skepticism" and Skeptical Organizations:  General Resources

"I call them scoffers, not skeptics," says Marcello Truzzi, director of the Center of Scientific Anomalies Research at Eastern Michigan University.

Truzzi, who studies what he calls protoscience, was a founding member of the world's oldest and most respected skeptic society, the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). But Truzzi says he withdrew after growing disillusioned with the group's research methods.

"They tend to block honest inquiry, in my opinion," he asserts. "Most of them are not agnostic toward claims of the paranormal; they are out to knock them."

Truzzi says that some of the CSICOP researchers set the bar of proof outrageously high when it comes to the study of the paranormal. "When an experiment of the paranormal meets their requirements, then they move the goal posts," he says. "Then, if the experiment is reputable, they say it's a mere anomaly."  Tanya Barrientos in  The Paranormal? Pshaw!

Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP)
Internet Skeptics Discussion Forum
James Randi Educational Foundation
Jim Lippard's Skeptical Information Links
New York Area Skeptics Index of Bibliographies
Prometheus Books
Sci.Skeptic Frequently Asked Questions
Secular Web
Skeptic Annotated Bibliography
Skeptic Magazine
Skeptic World Site
Skeptical Inquirer (Magazine)
Skeptics Society
Skeptic's Bibliography & Bookstore
Skeptic's Dictionary
Yahoo: Science/Alternative/Skeptics

   Some of the Skeptics and Their Arguments Against the Paranormal

Alcock, James.  The Belief Engine
Augustine, Keith.  The Case Against Immortality
Beyerstein, Barry L.  A Cogent Consideration of the Case for Karma (and Reincarnation)
Blackmore, Susan.  The Elusive Open Mind: Ten Years of Negative Research in Parapsychology
Blackmore, Susan.  Near-Death Experiences: In or out of the body?
Blackmore, Susan.  Psychic Experiences: Psychic Illusions
Blackmore, Susan.  What Can the Paranormal Teach Us About Consciousness?
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Parapsychology
Carroll, Robert Todd.  ESP (Extrasensory Perception)
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Testimonial Evidence
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Ad Hoc Hypothesis
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Pseudoscience
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Occam's Razor
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Confirmation Bias
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Post Hoc Fallacy
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Self-Deception
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Subjective Validation
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Wishful Thinking
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Law of Truly Large Numbers (Coincidences)
Carroll, Robert Todd.  True-Believer Syndrome
Carroll, Robert Todd.  Miracles
Feynman, Richard.  Cargo Cult Science
Hyman, Ray.  The Evidence for Psychic Functioning: Claims vs. Reality
Hyman, Ray.  Proper Criticism
Johnson, Paul.  Aren't all skeptics just closed-minded bigots?
Kurtz, Paul.  The New Paranatural Paradigm:   Claims of Communicating with the Dead
Kurtz, Paul.  The New Skepticism: A Worldwide Movement
Kurtz, Paul.  A Quarter Century of Skeptical Inquiry:   My Personal Involvement
Lett, James.  A Field Guide to Critical Thinking
Lilienfeld, Scott O.  New Analyses Raise Doubts About Replicability of ESP Findings
Nisbet, Matt.  The Best Case for ESP?
Presley, Sharon.  Why People Believe in ESP for the Wrong Reasons
Randi, James.  One Million Dollar Paranormal Challenge
Sagan, Carl.  The Burden of Skepticism
Sagan, Carl.  Carl Sagan's Baloney Detection Kit
Shermer, Michael.  Baloney Detection:  How to draw boundaries between science and pseudoscience
Shermer, Michael.  How Thinking Goes Wrong:   Twenty-five Fallacies That Lead Us to Believe Weird Things
Shermer, Michael.  How to Be A Skeptic
Shermer, Michael.  How to Teach a Course in Science, Pseudoscience, and Skepticism
Shermer, Michael.  A Skeptical Manifesto
Shermer, Michael.  Skepticism as a Virtue: An inquiry into the original meaning of the word 'skeptic'
Shermer, Michael.  The Truth is Out There & Ray Hyman Wants to Find it:  An Interview with a Co-Founder of Modern Skepticism
Wiseman, Richard; Matthew Smith and Jeff Wismen.  Eyewitness Testimony and the Paranormal

   A Critical Look at the "Skeptics" and Their  Arguments

"The most ardent skeptics enjoy their skepticism as long as it does not encroach upon their most cherished beliefs. Then incredulity flies out the window. . . . It is easy, even fun to challenge others' beliefs, when we are smug in our certainty about our own. But when ours are challenged, it takes great patience and ego strength to listen with an unjaundiced ear." Michael Shermer in A Skeptical Manifesto
". . . the same scientific mind-set that thrives on high precision and critical thinking is also extremely adept at forming clever rationalizations that get in the way of progress. In extreme cases, these rationalizations have prevented psi research from taking place at all. Ironically, the very same skeptics who have attempted to block psi research through the use of rhetoric and ridicule have also been responsible for perpetuating the many popular myths associated with psychic phenomena. If serious scientists are prevented from investigating claims of psi out of fear for their reputations, then who is left to conduct these investigations? Extreme skeptics? No, because the fact is that most extremists do not conduct research, they specialize in criticism. Extreme believers? No, because they are usually not interested in conducting rigorous scientific studies. Dean Radin in The Conscious Universe, p. 206-207
"There are three broad approaches to anomaly studies. . . . The second common approach is what critics usually call the debunkers' approach. This is the main attitude of the orthodox scientific community towards anomaly claims. It is characterized by the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP). "Whatever is claimed is nothing but ... something else." Seemingly anomalous phenomena are denied first and sometimes investigated only second. Like the Fortean the debunker is not concerned with the full explanation. Whereas the Fortean types don't want explanations, the debunkers don't need them as they believe they have already them."  Marcello Truzzi in Reflections on the Reception of Unconventional Claims in Science

Some Websites Devoted to Criticism of Pseudo-Skepticism and the Extreme Skeptics
Alternative Science
Closeminded Science
Debunking the Debunkers
Skeptical Investigations

Articles critical of Pseudo-Skepticism and the Extreme Skeptics
Alvarado, Carlos S.  Review of The Encyclopedia of the Paranormal
Auerbach, Loyd. The Case for ESP
Auerbach, Loyd. Magic, and What is Parapsychology?
Auerbach, Loyd.  Thinking Things Through:   Assessing the Paranormal
Barrientos, Tanya.  The Paranormal? Pshaw!
Bauer, Henry H.  Review of Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition & Other Confusions of Our Time by Michael Shermer
Beaty, William J.  Against Excessive Skepticism:  Collected Quotes
Beaty, William J. The Symptoms of Pathological Skepticism
Beaty, William J. They Laughed at Galileo: Three Common Examples of Straw Man Arguments Widely Used by Skeptics
Bem, Daryl J.  Response to Hyman
Berger, Rick E.  A Critical Examination of the Blackmore Psi Experiments
Boerner, Rochus.  Some Notes on Skepticism
Brookesmith, Peter.  War of the Words.  Part I  Part II
Caldwell, Daniel H.  Possibility versus Probability
Clark, Jerome.  Confessions of a Fortean Sceptic
Drasin, Daniel.  Zen . . . and the Art of Debunkery
Grenard, Steve.  Randi Attacks Remote Viewing Studies
Grenard, Steve.  Rebuttal to Book Review of The Afterlife Experiments: Breakthrough Scientific Evidence of Life After Death by Dr. Gary Schwartz
Haisch, Bernhard.  Be Skeptical of the "Skeptics"

Hansen, George P. The Elusive Agenda: Dissuading as Debunking in Ray Hyman’s The Elusive Quarry
Huyghe, Patrick.  Extraordinary Claim? Move the Goal Posts!:  A Commentary
Josephson, Brian D.  Unfounded criticism of a parapsychology book in Nature:  Highly regarded journal refuses to publish correction of error in review: a case of censorship?
Lewis, David.  Debunking the Debunkers
Lippard, James J.  The Proper Role of Skeptical Organizations
Long, Jeffrey P.  NDE Rhetoric, Debunking the Debunkers
Mallove, Eugene F.  Voodoo Science, Indeed! --- A Review of Robert L. Park's Voodoo Science: The Road From Foolishness to Fraud
Matlock, James G.  Review of Reincarnation: A Critical Examination by Paul Edwards
Milton, Richard.  James Randi's "$1 million challenge"
O'Neill, Mick.  The World's Largest ESP Experiment Ever:  Wiseman's "Experimenter Effect" Examined   See also A Reply to O'Neill by Richard Wiseman
Owens, D.  Stupid Skeptic Tricks
Radin, Dean.  A Field Guide to Skepticism Page I  Page II  Page III Also published on another site.
Radin, Dean.  Interview with Dean Radin
Radin, Dean et al.  Common Criticisms about Parapsychology
Schwartz, Gary.  A Call for Balanced Evidence-Based Scepticism
Schwartz, Gary.  Dr. Gary Schwartz Rebuts James Randi
Sheldrake, Rupert.  Controversies about Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home by Rupert Sheldrake
Sheldrake, Rupert.  How has your research been accepted within the scientific community? What do skeptics say about your work?
Skeptical Investigations.  Pioneering Investigators:  Some Positive Skeptics
Skeptical Investigations.  The Randi Prize
Skeptical Investigations.  Skeptical Organisations and Magazines:  A Guide to the Skeptics
Skeptical Investigations.  A Who's Who of Media Skeptics:  Who Are the Dogmatists?
Sofka, Michael D.  Myths of Skepticism
Stone, Greg.  A Critique of Susan Blackmore's Dying to Live and Her Dying Brain Hypothesis
Stone, Greg.  Susan Blackmore's Response to My Critique of Dying to Live
Tart, Charles.  Science versus Opinion on the Paranormal
Tart, Charles.  Some Notes on Blind Faith and Skepticism
Truzzi, Marcello. On Pseudo-Skepticism
Truzzi, Marcello. On Some Unfair Practices towards Claims of the Paranormal
Truzzi, Marcello.  The Perspective of Anomalistics
Truzzi, Marcello.  Reflections on the Reception of Unconventional Claims in Science
Utts, Jessica.  Rejoinder
Utts, Jessica.  Response to Ray Hyman's Report
Wu, Winston.  Debunking Common Skeptical Arguments Against Paranormal and Psychic Phenomena
Zeiler, Brian.  The Logical Trickery of the UFO Skeptic

   Critiques of CSICOP (Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal)

"Originally I was invited to be a co-chairman of CSICOP by Paul Kurtz. I helped to write the bylaws and edited their journal. I found myself attacked by the Committee members and board, who considered me to be too soft on the paranormalists. My position was not to treat protoscientists as adversaries, but to look to the best of them and ask them for their best scientific evidence. I found that the Committee was much more interested in attacking the most publicly visible claimants. . . . The major interest of the Committee was not inquiry but to serve as an advocacy body, a public relations group for scientific orthodoxy. The Committee has made many mistakes. My main objection to the Committee, and the reason I chose to leave it, was that it was taking the public position that it represented the scientific community, serving as gatekeepers on maverick claims, whereas I felt they were simply unqualified to act as judge and jury when they were simply lawyers. . . . " Marcello Truzzi in Reflections on the Reception of Unconventional Claims in Science
"Complicating matters, Truzzi wanted to make the [CSICOP] publication an academic journal, giving all sides an equal chance to speak their mind on any given issue, but others in the [CSICOP] group were afraid that this could lead to the journal being taken over by the other side. The controversy over the purpose and goals of the magazine, plus personal differences with Paul Kurtz, resulted in Truzzi's resigning as editor and leaving CSICOP." Ray Hyman quoted in
"Surveys show that over half the adult population in the U.S. have had psychic experiences and believe in the reality of the phenomena. . . . Those who have had the experiences but encounter the debunking attitudes of apparent “scientific authorities” are likely to conclude that science is a dogma and inapplicable to important aspects of their lives. . . . Ironically, CSICOP’s activities will likely inhibit scientific research on the paranormal and might potentially foster an increased rejection of science generally."  George P. Hansen in CSICOP and the Skeptics: An Overview

Overview and Critique of CSICOP
Hansen, George P. CSICOP and the Skeptics: An Overview

"Mars Effect" Controversy and CSICOP
Johnson, Paul.  What is the `Mars Effect'?
Kammann, Richard.  The True Disbelievers:  Mars Effect Drives Skeptics to Irrationality
Rawlins, Dennis.  sTARBABY Also published on another site.
Klass, Philip J. CRYBABY
Anonymous.  A Brief Chronology of the "Mars Effect" Controversy

Eysenck, H.J.  Review of Tenacious Mars Effect
Lippard, James J.  "Foreword" in Suitbert Ertel and Kenneth Irving, The Tenacious Mars Effect

Other Critiques of CSICOP and Its Fellows
Broughton, Richard S.  Project Alpha:   James Randi and CSICOP

Clark, Jerome.  The Debunkers vs. the UFO Menace:  Part 1
Clark, Jerome.  The Debunkers vs. the UFO Menace:  Part 2
Clark, Jerome.  Phil Klass vs. The "UFO Promoters"
DeMeo, James.  Response to Martin Gardner's Attack on Reich and Orgone Research in the Skeptical Inquirer
Hall, Stephanie A.  Folklore and the Rise of Moderation Among Organized Skeptics
Lippard, James J.  The Proper Role of Skeptical Organizations
Lippard, James J.  Robert A. Baker's Unattributed Copying
Lippard, James J.  Chronology of Events Involving "The Baker Affair"
Mallove, Eugene.  CSICOP: "Science Cops" at War with Cold Fusion
Milton, Richard.  CSICOP:   The Paradigm Police
• Olson, Geoff.  The Sceptic (Think) Tank
Skeptical Investigations. CSICOP
Stacy, Dennis.  CSICOP Scare!:  A Commentary
Trull, D.  CSICOP Takes Stock of the Media

   Anomalies, Science, "Pseudoscience," and Related Subjects

"Despite years of attempts to study paranormal phenomena, there's been a scientific iron curtain raised against serious research on these experiences." Andrew Greeley in The "Impossible":  It's Happening
"In 1819, Ernst Chladni reflected back on his struggles for the recognition of meteorites. While the Enlightenment, the 18th century intellectual movement that examined accepted doctrines of the time, had brought certain benefits, he felt it also brought with it certain intellectual problems. Now scientists 'thought it necessary to throw away or reject as error anything that did not conform to a self-constructed model.' The very success of scientific experiment and theory had led to a misplaced confidence that what was real was already within the circle of science. What was outside, therefore, what did not conform to scientists' theories, could be dismissed by invoking scientific authority and by ignoring or ridiculing observations not supported by it."  Ron Westrum in The Blind Eye of Science
"New data and discordant, anomalous, or bizarre experiences or facts can destroy the best explanations. Thus we cannot say with absolute confidence that the data and theories of parapsychology must be false because they contradict the existing body of physical [scientific] theory." Paul Kurtz in The Transcendental Temptation

The Anomalist:  A Print and Web Journal Exploring the Mysteries of Science, History, and Nature
Anonymous.  Great Quotes from Great Skeptics
Anonymous.  Pseudo-science or Proto-science?
Bagnall, Philip M.  Anomalous Meteor Phenomena
Beaty, William J.  You DARE to Criticize SCIENCE?!
Beaty, William J.  Heretic's Library
Beaty, William J.  Conventional Versus Maverick Science:   Who's Right?
Beaty, William J. New theories, scorn, & derision
Beaty, William J. Fringe-sci and Crackpots and Breakthroughs, Oh My!
Beaty, William J. That Which Is Not So . . . Yet
Beaty, William J. Science is at its end, all the important things have already been discovered!
Beaty, William J. Parascience Versus Pseudoscience
Beaty, William J. Abhorrent Ideas in Science
Beaty, William J. Why Did You Involve Yourself in All This Disgusting "Fringe" Stuff?
Boerner, Rochus.  Some Examples of Suppression in Science
Chandler, David L.  Maverick Scientists Encounter Barriers
Dickau, Jonathan J.  Doubting the Doubter or Why I have become Critical of Skeptics
Eldridge, Don.  Review of Forbidden Science: Suppressed Research That Could Change Our Lives by Richard Milton
Gold, Thomas.  New Ideas in Science
Grossman, Neal.  On Materialism as Science Dogma

Halwes, Terry.  Dispelling Some Common Myths about Science
Halwes, Terry.  The Myth of the Magical Scientific Method
Hartwig, Mark D. Defending Darwinism:  How Far is Too Far?
Josephson, Brian.  Has Psychokinesis Met Science's Measure?
Josephson, Brian.  Scientists' Treatment of "Heretics"
Lyttleton, R.A.  The Nature of Knowledge
Martin, Brian.  Letter to a Dissident Scientist
Martin, Brian.  Stamping Out Dissent:   Too often, unconventional or unpopular scientific views are simply suppressed
Martin, Brian.  Suppression Stories
Martin, Brian.  Strategies for Dissenting Scientists
McComas, William.  Ten Myths of Science:  Re-examining What We Think We Know. . .
McConnell, R.A.  The Sovereignty of Science (Scientific Belief is Obedience to Authority)
Milton, Richard.  Scientific Censorship:   "You should be banned from the airwaves"
Milton, Richard.  Scientific Skepticism
Milton, Richard. Scientific Censorship and Evolution
Milton, Richard.  Too Wonderful to be True
Moller, Lee.  Questions to help distinguish a pseudoscience from a protoscience (a new science trying to establish its legitimacy)
Radin, Dean.  In science, the acceptance of new ideas follows a predictable, four-stage sequence
Richardson, Jim and Richardson, Allen.  The Ball Lightning Mystery
Rozelle, Terry.  Epistemological Shame on You: You Just Can’t Believe Everything
Rubik, B. The Perennial Challenge of Anomalies at the Frontiers of Science
Sacherman, J.  Cognitive Processes and the Suppression of Sound Scientific Ideas
Schafersman, Steven D. An Introduction to Science Scientific Thinking and the Scientific Method
Sheldrake, Rupert.  Could Experimenter Effects Occur in the Physical and Biological Sciences?
Sheldrake, Rupert.  Experimenter Expectations
Sheldrake, Rupert. Seven Experiments
Singer, Stanley.  The Question of the Existence of Ball Lightning
Skeptical Investigations. The Objectivity of Science - The Traditional View:  Does it Stand Examination?
Skeptical Investigations. Cooking the Results:   Recent Cases of Misconduct in Mainstream Science
Sturrock, Peter.  Curious, Creative and Critical Thinking
Suber, Peter.  The Clinical Attitude Toward Arguments
Suber, Peter.  Explicating Arguments
Suber, Peter.  The One-Sidedness Fallacy
Suber, Peter.  Real-World Reasoning
Truzzi, Marcello. On Some Unfair Practices towards Claims of the Paranormal
Truzzi, Marcello.  The Perspective of Anomalistics
Truzzi, Marcello.  Reflections on the Reception of Unconventional Claims in Science
Wells, Jonathan.  Second Thoughts about Peppered Moths:  This Classical Story of Evolution by Natural Selection Needs Revising
Westrum, Ron.  The Blind Eye of Science
Westrum, Ron.  Sasquatch and Scientists: Reporting Scientific Anomalies


See also:  A Core Library of 15 Books on Parapsychology and the Paranormal.