In the month of August last having occasion to come to Madras in the absence of Col.
Olcott and Madame Blavatsky, I visited the Head Quarters of the Theosophical Society to
see a wonderful painting of the Mahatma K. H. kept there in a shrine and daily attended to
by the chelas. On arrival at the house I was told that the lady, Madame C[oulomb]-, who
had charge of the keys of the shrine, was absent, so I awaited her return. She came home
in about an hour, and we proceeded upstairs to open the shrine and inspect the picture.
Madame C- advanced quickly to unlock the double doors of the hanging cupboard, and
hurriedly threw them open. In so doing she had failed to observe that a china tray inside
was on the edge of the shrine and leaning against one of the doors, and when they were
opened, down fell the China tray, smashed to pieces on the hard chunam floor. Whilst
Madame C- was wringing her hands and lamenting this unfortunate accident to a valuable
article of Madame B-s, and her husband was on his knees collecting the debris,
I remarked it would be necessary to obtain some China cement and thus try to restore the
fragments. Thereupon Monsieur C. was despatched for the same. The broken pieces were
carefully collected and placed, tied in a cloth, within the shrine, and the doors locked.
Mr. Damodar K. Mavalankar, the Joint Recording Secretary of the Society, was opposite the
shrine, seated on a chair, about ten feet away from it, when after some conversation an
idea occurred to me to which I immediately gave expression. I remarked that if the
Brothers considered it of sufficient importance, they would easily restore the broken
article, if not, they would leave it to the culprits to do so, the best way they could.
Five minutes had scarcely elapsed after this remark when Damodar, who during this time
seemed wrapped in a revereie - exclaimed, "I think there is an answer." The
doors were opened, and sure enough, a small note was found on the shelf of the shrine - on
opening which we read
"To the small audience present. Madame C- has occasion to assure herself that the
Devil is neither so black nor so wicked as he is generally represented; the mischief is
easily repaired." -
On opening the cloth the China tray was found to be whole and perfect; not a trace of
the breakage to be found on it! I at once wrote across the note, stating that I was
present when the tray was broken and immediately restored, dated and signed it, so there
should be no mistake in the matter. It may be here observed that Madame C- believes that
the many things of a wonderful nature that occur at the Head-Quarters, may be the work of
the Devil - hence the playful remark of the Mahatma who came to her rescue. The matter
took place in the middle of the day in the presence of four people. I may here remark that
a few days before I came into the room in my house just as Madame B- had duplicated a ring
of a lady in a high position, in the presence of my wife and daughter in broad day-light.
The ring was a sapphire and a valuable one - and the lady has preserved it. On another
occasion a note came from the above lady to my wife and was handed into the drawing-room
in the presence of several people. On opening it a message was found written across the
note in the well known characters of the Adept. The question is how the message got into
the note? The lady who wrote it was perfectly astounded when she saw it - and could only
imagine it was done at her own table with her own blue pencil.
Whilst on the subject of the shrine I may mention that it is a small cabinet attached
to the wall with shelves and double doors. The picture of the Mahatma that I came to see,
lately given to the Founders of the Society, is a most marvelleous work of art. Not all
the R. A.s put together could equal such a production. The coloring is simply
indescribable. Whether it has been produced by a brush or photographed, entirely passes my
comprehension. It is simply superb.
H. R. Morgan, F. T. S.
2nd November 1883.