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H.P. Blavatsky, the Mahatmas and Theosophy:  Online and Printed Sources

The Mahatmas and Their Letters

Compiled by Daniel H. Caldwell and published by Blavatsky Study Center

Master Koot Hoomi

Master Koot Hoomi

See larger portrait of Master K.H.


H.P. Blavatsky was the first person in modern times to claim contact with the Theosophical Adepts, especially the Masters Koot Hoomi and Morya. She affirmed that in her writings she was giving out the teachings of the Adept Brotherhood.  

In September & October 1880, Mme. Blavatsky visited A. P. Sinnett at Simla in northern India. The serious interest of Sinnett in the Theosophical teachings of Mme. Blavatsky and the work of the Theosophical Society prompted H.P.B. to establish a contact by correspondence between Sinnett and the two Adepts who were sponsoring the Society, K.H. and M.
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Master Morya

Master Morya

See larger portrait of Master M.

.Masters and Men

Masters and Men
The Human Story in
The Mahatma Letters

by Virginia Hanson

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.The Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett

The Mahatma Letters
to A. P. Sinnett

In Chronological Sequence
[Chrono. 4th edition]

edited by Vic Hao Chin

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Reprint of the 2nd edition of
The Mahatma Letters

See Online Version of
The Mahatma Letters
(second edition)

Facsimiles of Some
of the Mahatma Letters

The Mahatma Letters on CD-ROM

.An Introduction to The Mahatma Letters

An Introduction to
The Mahatma Letters

by Virginia Hanson

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.Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, Series 1 & 2

Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, Series 1
edited by C. Jinarajadasa

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Letters from the Masters of the Wisdom, Series 2
edited by C. Jinarajadasa

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Letters from the Masters of Wisdom, Series 1& 2 on CD-ROM

.Teachings on Discipleship

Teachings on Discipleship

As Outlined in

The Mahatma Letters

by S. S. Varma

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 The Occult World
by A.P. Sinnett

First major introduction about
H.P. Blavatsky & the Mahatmas

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Esoteric Buddhism
by A.P. Sinnett

The first simple exposition of Theosophy in modern times based on Sinnett's correspondence with the Mahatmas

More information on this title

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Online Sources

The Mahatma Letters:  An Online Edition

From Long-Sealed Ancient Fountains:   The Origin of Modern Theosophy

The Beginning of A.P. Sinnett's Correspondence with the Mahatmas

The Mahatmas and Their Letters:
An Overview

Colonel Henry S. Olcott's Testimony about
His Meetings with the Master Morya

A Casebook of Encounters
with the Theosophical Mahatmas

Mrs. Holloway & the Mahatmas:

Occult Phenomena
by A.P. Sinnett

More Online Sources

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H.P. Blavatsky, the Mahatmas and Theosophy:  Online and Printed Sources