Blavatsky Study Center

H.P. Blavatsky's London Magazine

"We are about to found a magazine of our own, Lucifer. Don’t allow yourself to be frightened: it is not the devil, into which the Catholics have falsified the name of the Morning Star, sacred to all the ancient world, of the ‘bringer of light,’ Phosphoros, as the Romans often called the Mother of God and Christ. And in St. John’s Revelation does it not say, ‘I, Jesus, the morning star’? I wish people would take this to mind, at least. It is possible that the rebellious angel was called Lucifer before his fall, but after his transformation he must not be called so...." 
H.P. Blavatsky in a letter to her sister Vera.

"Open your columns to free and fearless discussion, and do as the theosophical periodicals have ever done, and as LUCIFER is now preparing to do. The 'bright Son of the morning' fears no light. He courts it, and is prepared to publish any inimical contributions (couched, of course, in decent language), however much at variance with his theosophical views. He is determined to give a fair hearing in any and every case, to both contending parties and allow things and thoughts to be judged on their respective merits. For why, or what should one dread when fact and truth are one's only aim?" H.P. Blavatsky in Lucifer, October, 1887.

All 20 volumes available online:
Click HERE

Index to issues of Lucifer

Facsimile Reprints of This Rare Magazine
Are Also Available from Kessinger Publishing 
See below

Vol. I      Sept. 1887-Feb. 1888 Buy from
Vol. II March 1888-Aug. 1888 Buy from
Vol. III Sept. 1888-Feb. 1889 Buy from
Vol. IV March 1889-Aug. 1889 Buy from
Vol. V Sept. 1889-Feb. 1890 Buy from
Vol. VI March 1890-Aug. 1890 Buy from
Vol. VII Sept. 1890-Feb. 1891 Buy from
Vol. VIII March 1891-Aug. 1891 Buy from
Vol. IX Sept. 1891-Feb. 1892 Buy from
Vol. X March 1892-Aug. 1892 Buy from
Vol. XI Sept. 1892-Feb. 1893 Buy from
Vol. XII March 1893-Aug. 1893 Buy from
Vol. XIII Sept. 1893-Feb. 1894 Buy from
Vol. XIV March 1894-Aug. 1894 Buy from
Vol. XV Sept. 1894-Feb. 1895 Buy from
Vol. XVI March 1895-Aug. 1895 Buy from
Vol. XVII Sept. 1895-Feb. 1896 Not available
Vol.XVIII March 1896-Aug. 1896 Not available
Vol. XIX Sept. 1896-Feb. 1897 Not available
Vol. XX March 1897-July 1897 Buy from


Blavatsky Study Center