The Theosophical Tempest
By William Q. Judge
[First published in The Philosophic Inquirer
(Madras, India), September 21, 1884, p. 299]
Sept. 17, 1884To The Editor of The Philosophic Inquirer.
Sir:---In this matter, which has now spread all over India, very much has been made of the sending a telegram to Madame Blavatsky, signed "Ramalinga Deb" which was done, the Christian College Magazine says, by order of Madame Blavatsky in order to commit a fraud.
We wish the public and all our friends to know that this Telegram incident is perfectly clear to us. We know Mr. Ramalinga Deb very well. We also know how Mrs. Coulombs obtained possession of the receipt and of a copy of the telegram.
But as this is an important point in the case we must refuse at this moment to inform our enemies what the evidence and explanation are.
At the proper time, and before the proper tribunal, we will produce both Mr. Deb and the explanation, when Mrs. Coulomb will have an opportunity of confronting the substance of that shadow which is called by her in the Christian College Magazine "Ramalinga Deb."
Faithfully yours,
William Q. Judge,
Barrister-at-Law F.T.S.
[NOTE: For background information on the "The Coulomb Conspiracy Against Theosophy, " see Chapter 13 in H. P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Movement by Charles J. Ryan, TUP Online edition.]