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H.P. Blavatsky, the Mahatmas and Theosophy
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Isis Unveiled by H.P. Blavatsky

Compiled by Daniel H. Caldwell and published by Blavatsky Study Center

Isis Unveiled

2  volumes, 1877
H.P.B.'s first major work outlines the errors of orthodox Christianity and the fallacies of established science against the backdrop of the Esoteric teachings.

Brief Description of
Isis Unveiled

TUP Online Edition of
Isis Unveiled

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of Isis Unveiled.

Table of Contents
Volume 1 and Volume 2

ULT Online
Version of Isis

Isis on CD-ROM

Verbatim Reprint
of the 1877 ed. of Isis
2 vols., paperback
Buy from Amazon.com

Photographic Facsimile
of the 1877 ed. of Isis
2 vols. bound in one,

Buy from
Theosophy Company

Collected Writings Ed.
of Isis
Edited by Boris de Zirkoff
2 volumes, paperback
With Historical Introduction,

bibliography & index.
Buy from Amazon.com


An Abridgement
of Isis Unveiled.

A good overview
and introduction to
the complete work.
Buy from Amazon.com

Online Articles about Isis

Unveiling Isis: HPB's First Book

"Isis Unveiled"
H.P. Blavatsky's First Book

How "Isis Unveiled" Was Written

Ten Fundamental Propositions
from Isis Unveiled

Isis Unveiled

Studies in Isis Unveiled:  A Compilation from H.P. Blavatsky's First Book

Isis Unveiled:  An Overview

Letters from H. P. Blavatsky to Alexander Wilder, M. D.

Theories about
Reincarnation and Spirits



"The work now submitted to public judgment is the fruit of a somewhat intimate acquaintance with Eastern adepts and study of their science. It is offered to such as are willing to accept truth wherever it may be found, and to defend it, even looking popular prejudice straight in the face. It is an attempt to aid the student to detect the vital principles which underlie the philosophical systems of old. "
Isis Unveiled, Volume I, Preface.

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H.P. Blavatsky, the Mahatmas and Theosophy
Online and Printed Sources

Published by Blavatsky Study Center
