At the end of the following year (1882), at the [Theosophical Society] headquarters at
Bombay, several of us were together on the upper balcony. I am unable to recollect any of
the others. I suddenly saw, at the distance of about 15 paces, a gleaming substance which
assumed the figure of a man. It was not walking on the ground, but appeared to be gliding
through mid-air among the top-most branches of the trees. It glided forwards and backwards
four or five times. I could not recognise the person, could not see whether it had a beard
or not, cannot say whether it was tall or not. The night was moonlight. Time between eight
and nine p.m.
About the same time, at the end of 1882, I was sitting with Madame Blavatsky, Madame
Coulomb, Norendra, Janaki, Nobin K. Bannerji, and others in a verandah adjoining Madame
Blavatskys writing-room.
On one side was a hill gradually rising to a top. The hill was covered with thorns. I
saw something like a flash of light, and gradually it assumed the figure of a person about
20 feet distant. Time between 7 and 8 p.m. I cannot say whether it was moonlight or not. I
did not recognise the figure; cannot say whether it had a beard or not; cannot say whether
it had a turban or not. Madame went near the foot of the hill and exchanged some signs
with the figure. Madame then went to her room by the path on our side, and the figure went
in the direction of Madames room by the other side.
Afterwards Madame came to us in great excitement and said that one of the delegates had
polluted the house, and it was for this reason the figure could not come near us. Shortly
after the figure again appeared on the hill, and suddenly vanished, leaving a brightness
which gradually faded away.
Account by Mr. Nobin Krishna Bannerji
(Deputy Magistrate and Deputy Collector, and Manager-General
of Wards Estates in Moorshedabad, Bengal).
On the occasion of the seventh anniversary [convention of the Theosophical Society], in
1882, one evening before the anniversary celebration, at about 7 p.m., I was sitting in
the balcony of the headquarters in Bombay, in company with Norendra Nath Sen, Mohini,
Madame, Ramaswamier, and several others. We were talking when Madame said,
"Dont move from your seat until I say," or something to that effect. This
made us expect that something was about to happen. Some were standing near the railing of
the balcony, others were seated a little back. After a few moments those standing near the
rails saw something, and made some remarks which induced the rest of the party, excepting
myself and Norendra, to get up and go towards the rails, and look at the object. We
didnt stir, as nothing further was said by Madame, but kept turning our heads in
expectation of seeing something. But we didnt perceive anything. Some four or five
minutes after, we inferred from the remarks made, that the others had seen some luminous
astral figure walking to and fro below the balcony on the side of the hill. It was not
pitch dark. Objects could be seen at a distance, but not distinguished clearly.
The same party with the addition of Mr. Ghosal were sitting together on the north
extremity of the bungalow facing the sea, at about 7:30 p.m., when some remark of
Madames made us expect to see something immediately. Shortly after we saw a form
standing on a rock close to the adjoining bungalow, about 10 yards distant. The light was
about the same as on the previous occasion. There was no tree near and the figure could be
seen clearly. The figure was dressed in a white flowing garment, with a light coloured
turban, and a dark beard. The figure was that of a man of apparently ordinary size, but I
could not recognise who it was. From my description Colonel Olcott recognised one of the
Mahatmas. He mentioned the name, which we afterwards found to be correct, as Madame and
Damodar corroborated it. The figure seemed faintly luminous, but I am unable now to
recollect any further details concerning its description. The figure gradually vanished,
and for a minute or two afterwards the place where it had been seemed to be gleaming with
a milky brightness. The rock itself has some date and other trees upon it but the spot
where the figure appeared was bare. The figure was standing still when we saw it.
Account by Mr. Chandra Sekhara
(Teacher in High School, Bareilly, N. W. P.).
In 1882 I went to Bombay in November, reaching there on the morning of 26th
inst. The anniversary was postponed from November 27th to December 7th.
On the evening of the 27th, about 8 p.m., we i.e., about 10 or 11 of us,
including the delegates, were seated in the balcony with Madame B. and Colonel Olcott.
Mohini M. Chatterji, Bishen Lall, and Janaki Nath Ghosal were present. We were chatting
together, and Madame Blavatsky, with some other brethren, quickly rose up, and looked
towards the garden below the balcony. I rose up and looked out, but not in the proper
direction. J. N. Ghosal pointed me to the proper quarter, and I saw a luminous figure
walking to and fro below the balcony, on the third terrace field. [This was explained to
mean that there were two fields and a portion of a third between the speaker and the
figure.] Each field is about 10 yards wide. The third field is full of thorny trees, so
that it is difficult for a man to walk freely. The trees varied in size, and the foliage
occupied a good deal of space. The figure was upright. I saw him walk three times over a
distance of about 40 yards, and then disappear. There was no moonlight. The figure
appeared nearly 6ft. high, well-built, but I could not distinguish the features. I could
not tell whether he had a beard. My sight is ordinary.
The following day we were seated in the verandah near the Occult Room, when Madame said
that she felt something extraordinary. The time was between 7 and 8 p.m. Suddenly we saw
the luminous body of one who was explained to me to be another Mahatma, on the high rock
adjoining the Occult Room. The distance of the figure was about 16 yards. Madame Coulomb
was with us. I could not distinguish the features clearly, not sufficient for recognition.
I cannot say whether the figure had a beard. As soon as we saw the figure, Madame Coulomb
exclaimed, in a nervous manner, "There! There!" And in a minute Colonel Olcott
said, "Madame [Blavatsky], go to the foot of the rock, and talk to the Mahatma."
Madame went to the rock, and in a short time after she came back shivering, and said the
Mahatma would be willing to come forward to talk to the audience, but there was some man
in our company whose sin was so great that it would be difficult for the Mahatma to
approach, and therefore he had to go away. The figure disappeared suddenly before Madame
Account by Mr. J. N. Ghosal
One evening, at the Bombay headquarters, on the 27th or 28th of
November, 1882, about 9 or 10 p.m., Madame Blavatsky, Mohini, Chandra Sekhara, Damodar,
Nobin Krishna Bannerji, Norendra Nath Sen, and a few others besides myself, were sitting
in the balcony. Some of them had been called there by me, as I was then expecting that
some phenomenon would take place. My attention was drawn by a sound among some trees down
below, about 10 yards from the balcony. The sound was like the stirring of leaves.
Immediately after I saw the tall figure of a man apparently more than 6ft. in height, clad
in white, near the trees. It was a clear moonlight night. The figure was well-built. I
could not distinguish the features very well, saw something like a beard, but not very
distinctly. A white turban was on the head. The figure began to walk backwards and
forwards for two or three minutes. Madame Coulomb joined the group, and the figure
disappeared, making the same kind of sound, like stirring of leaves, which I heard before
the appearance of the figure. But it appeared to me, and a few of those present were of
the same opinion, that the figure walked over one of the trees and suddenly disappeared.
Not being able to distinguish the features, I inquired of Madame, and was told it was the
astral appearance of her Master.
Next morning I went to the spot where the figure appeared, and found the spot so low
that any one walking on the ground could not have been entirely seen from the balcony.
[This is the only "astral figure" Mr. Ghosal has seen.]
Account by Mr. Norendra Nath Sen
(Editor of the Indian Mirror, Calcutta).
I saw the astral figure on the rock at the Bombay headquarters. It was 7 or 8 p.m., and
the figure was about 20 yards distant. I recognised no more than that it appeared to be
the figure of a man, who came down from the rock and went with Madame Blavatsky into her