Recommended by Blavatsky Study Center

Books on Theosophy by Geoffrey A. Farthing

Deity, Cosmos & Man
by Geoffrey A. Farthing 

Paperback, 279  pp. 

A valuable introduction to Theosophy
as given in the writings of H.P. Blavatsky
and her Adept Teachers.

Mr. Farthing gives an overview of H.P.B.'s teachings on the occult constitution of cosmos and man; the akasha and the astral light; the elements and elementals; death and rebirth; origins of the universe and man; globes, rounds and races; the esoteric side of evolution; spiritualism and psychism; spiritual development; and the inner side of religion.

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When We Die
Compiled by Geoffrey A. Farthing
Paperback, 115 pp.

A study of the after-death states & processes as given by Master K.H. in The Mahatma Letters

Master Koot Hoomi gives a detailed account of what happens when we die in his letters to A.P. Sinnett & A.O. Hume.  Some of the subjects covered are:  Dying and Soon After; the Death Struggle and Gestation State; the Second Death and Devachan; Rebirth and Karma; Suicides and Accidents; and the Ego and Immortality.


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Exploring the
Great Beyond

by Geoffrey A. Farthing
Paperback, 214 pp.

An overview of H.P. Blavatsky's
teachings about psychic phenomena
and life after death


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After Death Consciousness
and Processes
Compiled by Geoffrey A. Farthing
Paperback, 305 pp.

A compendium of all the information on the subject in the original literature of H.P. Blavatsky and her Masters.


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See also Theosophical Terms compiled from Mr. Farthing's books.
Recommended by Blavatsky Study Center