H.P.B. was a unique person of varying mood and temper. She was of poor health. She
disliked conventionalities and expressed her disapproval in strong terms. She was
generally a most amiable "mother," recounting strange, charming and amusing
stories, and giving instructive talks.
One morning, while taking breakfast, she was relating a very interesting comic story
when Colonel appeared and remarked, "The old lady is in one of her lucid intervals
this morning." H.P.B., recognizing his joke, laughed and continued her narrative
unaffected by the satirical remark. But if anything like that happened when she was in a
temper, she was an impossible person to bear with - the more intimate the personal
relationship, the more "vigorous" was the language when things went wrong.
In the summer of 1883 I was with her at Ootacamund. She had placed a sum of money with
me with instructions to spend for her. In a few days she wanted to know if she should pay
any more than she had given me at first. I answered that there remained a portion of her
money still unspent, and I proceeded to hand her a paper containing a statement of the
expenditure. She flew into a rage, probably suspecting that I added my own money and spent
it for her, and she said, "Soobiah, you are treating me like a stranger, giving me
your accounts, while I look upon you as my son. Did I ask you to keep an account for
me?" So saying, she snatched the paper from me, tore it up and threw it away.
During her stay with the Morgans, at Ootacamund, she was given one day for her
breakfast some delicious fruit in syrup. She must have liked it very much, for she asked
for more to be brought. Then, instead of eating it herself, she put it on one side and
offered it to me later. Many such things showed the mother-heart in the great woman. I
shall always remember this incident, one of the many that make me cherish her kindness
with affection and gratitude.
There were many incidents also which showed how closely she was in touch with the
Masters, and those of us living close to her witnessed this fact, especially the Colonel,
Damodar, my father and myself.
One evening, the same year, H.P.B. received a telegram from the Colonel, who was then
touring in north India, informing her that Damodar had suddenly disappeared and left no
clue to show whither he had gone. On receiving the message, H.P.B. went to her table and
quietly sat down. Suddenly the "feeling" of the room changed, and I at once knew
that something occult was going to happen. I sat beside her and kept quite quiet.
She began writing down some words being spoken to her. I too heard the words,
"Instruct Olcott not to let his (Damodars) luggage, especially the" -
there was a pause. H.P.B. inquired, "Especially the what?" I immediately uttered
the word "bedding." Then the message continued, "be touched by any third
party." H.P.B. playfully said, "Soobiah, you are right, you are also becoming a
medium." Of course it was the Master who gave her that message, as so often happened.
And she did not know that Damodar had left his bedding behind, without which a Hindu
seldom, if ever, travels. (In a letter to Mr. Sinnett later, she said, "Happy
Damodar! He went to the land of Bliss, to Tibet, and must now be far away in the regions
of our Masters.")
During the same year also Master K. H. appeared in my house in Mylapore. Early next
morning when I met H.P.B. at Adyar, she told me that the same Master had appeared before
her about the same time and presented her with yellow roses which she showed me. Let me
say that yellow roses were then very rare, in fact unobtainable in Madras.
My father, who was to spend his holidays that year at Narayana Varam, where the sage
known as Sarakaiswamy lived, a village about 80 miles from Madras, received by post a
letter written in Tamil from the Master K.H. in which the Master suggested that my father
should endeavour to collect funds for Mr. Sinnetts paper, The Phoenix. My
father accordingly gathered considerable support for it and was thanked by the Great One
Himself. However, the plan for such a newspaper was later abandoned.
The recently revived attack against H.P.B. and against the genuineness of the Mahatma
letters will fail and prove unsuccessful - as all previous attacks have failed.
I ask you to accept my personal assurance that the Great Ones do exist, and it is my
unshaken belief that They are continuing their gracious condescension and watchfulness
over The Society.