SIR,---Since an attempt is now being
made by the opponents of the Theosophical Society to discredit the whole movement by
circulating the report that the "Mahatmas," or Eastern Adepts, are but
"crafty arrangements of muslin and bladders," I ask permission to say a word.
I have sacrificed all my worldly prospects, as is well known in my native city of
Calcutta, to devote myself to the propagation of the esoteric philosophy of my race, in
connection with the Society so unjustly slandered. Needless to say I should not have
taken this step, with many others of my countrymen, if the Theosophical Society were but a
sham, and the Mahatmas vulgar "concoctions of muslin and bladders." To a
Brahman, like myself, it is repugnant to speak of the sacredly confidential relationship
existing between a spiritual teacher and his pupil yet duty compels me in this instance to
say that I have personal and absolute knowledge of the existence of the Mahatma who has
corresponded with Mr. Sinnett, and is known to the Western world as
"Koot-hoomi." I had knowledge of the Mahatma in question before I knew
Mdme. Blavatsky, and I met him in person when he passed through the Madras Presidency to
China last year. --- I am, Sir, your obedient servant,
12, Platzhofstrasse, Elberfeld,
Germany, September 30.