Published by Blavatsky Study Center. Online Edition copyright 2004.

The Theosophical Mahatmas

by William T. Brown

[Originally published in The Religio-Philosophical Journal
(Chicago, Illinois), August 28, 1886, p. 3.]

To the Editor of the Religio-Philosophical Journal:

In reference to the article of Mr. Wm. Emmette Coleman on the subject of the Theosophical Mahatmas, it may be interesting to our fellow laborers, the Spiritualists, and to Mr. Coleman in particular to be made aware of the following facts:

1.  I, the writer, along with Colonel Olcott, President of the Theosophical Society and Damodar K. Mavalankar, a chela, was visited at Lahore, India, on the 19th, 20th and 21st of November, 1883, by the Mahatma, Koot Hoomi, in the flesh.

2.  We know him to be a living man, possessed, no doubt, of what are practically divine powers, for they are beyond the cognizance of materialistic science.

3.  The Master was kind enough to leave with me tangible remembrances of his visit, in the shape of a letter and silk handkerchief.

4.  These facts have been duly recorded in the Theosophist, in the 3rd edition of the "Occult World," in "Some Experiences in India," and in an autobiographical sketch, called "My Life."

We are familiar with the report of the agent of the English Psychical Research Society - a report which Mr. Coleman dignifies by the words "masterly, searching and exhaustive examination." For the benefit of your numerous readers and to put forever at rest any doubt as to the existence of Indian Adepts, I transcribe, in full, the letter above referred to, with the statement, which I solemnly make, that the original was materialized into my hand when the master was standing in my presence, and when I was fully awake and endowed with my normal consciousness:

"What Damodar told you at Poonah is true. We approach nearer and nearer to a person as he goes on preparing himself more and more for the same. You first saw us in visions; then in astral forms, though very often not recognized; then in body at a short distance from you. Now you see me in my own physical body so close to you as to enable you to give to your countrymen the assurance that you are, from personal knowledge, as sure of our existence as you are of your own. Whatever may happen, remember that you will be watched and rewarded in proportion to your zeal and work for the cause of humanity, which the founders of the Theosophical Society have imposed upon themselves.  K. H."

I am, dear sir, most truly yours,
Wm. I. Brown, F.T.S.
(B. L. University of Glasgow, Scotland.)

Rochester, N.Y.