Go back to H.P. Blavatsky, the Mahatmas and Theosophy: Online and Printed Sources Compiled by Daniel H. Caldwell and published by Blavatsky Study Center
H.P. Blavatsky gave out the truth in detail about the complex nature
(spiritual and psychological) of a human being and about life after death. She taught the
twin doctrine of karma and reincarnation. Madame Blavatsky also set forth a clear and
comprehensive rationale for psychic and spiritualistic, mystical and spiritual phenomena
and experiences.
Exploring the An overview of Paperback, 214 pp. |
Psychic Powers Paperback, 90 pp. "The name of Hall the second is the Hall of
Learning. In it thy Soul will find the blossoms of life, but under every flower "The astral region, the Psychic World of
supersensuous perceptions and of deceptive sights -- the world of Mediums ... is the great
'Astral Serpent' of Eliphas Levi. No blossom plucked in those regions has ever yet been
brought down on earth without its serpent coiled around the stem. Quoted from |
When We Die by Geoffrey A. Farthing A study of the after-death Paperback, 115 pp. |
"He who holds the keys to the secrets of Death is possessed of the keys of Life...." Master K.H. After Death Consciousness and
Processes A compendium of all the information on the subject in the original literature of H.P. Blavatsky and her Masters. Paperback, 305 pp. "We tell you what |
Other Recommended Books The
Mirror of Life & Death Man
& His Seven Principles Online Articles Occultism
Sevenfold Constitution At the Solemn Moment of Death: Dying & Soon After Life After Death As a Butterfly in Its Chrysalis Once Awakened from Their Post-Mortem Torpor On the Kama-Loka & Devachan
the Mysteries of |
Go back to H.P. Blavatsky, the Mahatmas and Theosophy Online and Printed Sources . |