To Dr. Elliot Coues,
In your letter to the Religio Philosophical Journal (2), you
say that four years ago you wrote to Mabel Collins (Mrs. Cook)
(3) asking her as to the real source of Light on the
Path; to which she replied that it was inspired by Koot Hoomi
(!) or some other Hindu Adept. In her letter to you of April 18th 1889
which you publish, the first you received after an interval of four years, she
states (see R. P. J.) that her previous letter to you was written at my dictation, adding
that she had said Light
on the Path was inspired by one of my Masters, because I had begged
& implored her to do so!!! Now the facts are as follows: ---
(1) Light
on the Path was first published early in 1885, & your letter to her
could not have preceded the publication of the book. I returned to India in November
1884, & never saw Mabel Collins from that time till the 1st of May 1887; neither did
any letters pass between us during that period.
Therefore it is perfectly impossible that I should have dictated, or even suggested,
such a letter as Mabel Collins speaks of.
(2) Before my return to India in 1884, I saw Mabel Collins barely three or four
times. She then showed me the first page or two of Light on the
Path wherein I recognised some phrases which were familiar to me.
Therefore, I the more readily accepted her description of the manner in which they had
been given to her. She herself certainly believed that this book was dictated to her
by some one whose appearance she described, in which statement I am sure that
I shall be born out by Mr Finch, who had the chief share in bringing about the publication
of the book.
(3) I saw the completed work, for the first time in my life, at Ostend a few months
before I came to London in 1887, when a copy was given to me by Mr Arthur Gebhard who no
doubt will remember the circumstance. This makes it still more ridiculous to suppose
that I could have asked Mabel Collins to claim that Light on the
Path was inspired by my Masters. So far as I, or any of the English
Theosophists are aware, the suggestion has never been mooted --- till this letter of yours
--- that the work in question was inspired by Mahatma K. H. On the
contrary, as I am informed by those in a position to know best, its inspiration was always
ascribed to quite another person, with whom it [is] true I am acquainted, but whom I
should certainly never call my Master.
Finally, I emphatically & unreservedly deny Mabel Collins vile insinuation
that I ever asked her to make any statement regarding Light on the
Path at all, let alone any untrue statement. Her accusation is
a baseless & calumnious lie, the falseness of which will be apparent to everyone
acquainted with the facts.
Again, was I the mysterious visitor who unannounced entered her study when she began to
write Through
the Gates of Gold, & whose name she forgot to ask; he who spoke from
knowledge, & from the fire of whose words she caught faith?
Or when she dedicated the Idyll of the
White Lotus to The true Author, the Inspirer, do you suppose that I
was that inspirer, or that I was behind her & suggested that dedication? Why the
book was begun long before I first saw her: it was unearthed by Mr. Ewen & shown to
Col. Olcott, who heard all about its inspirer before I even knew of its existence.
But apart from this, what is the meaning of your letter? Is it war that you
want? Take care, I have been already so besmeared with mud that nothing worse can
happen to me. I have nothing to lose; but I think that both you & Mabel Collins
would not quite feel comfortable if I were to come out with all your respective letters
& with one or two things which I know. I knew well enough that you did not
believe in Masters, though your letters are full of protestations of your devotion to
Them: but you will appear like a nice liar before the public if I publish them.
Remember your letters shown in every line the real reason why you are angry
with me; & I dont think people will hold you in very high esteem, or believe
much in what you say, when once they know the real motives that guide you. And you
may be very sure that I shall take good care that every one shall know & appreciate at
their true value these motives of yours, if you do force things to an open war between us.
(1) For background information on Elliott Coues and Mabel
Collins, see: Sylvia Cranston's biography HPB, chapter titled "A
Conspiracy Underway," pp. 370-378; also The Theosophical Movement 1875-1950,
Chapter XI, "The Coues-Collins Charges," pp. 143-155. For Coues' views on
Madame Blavatsky, see "Blavatsky Unveiled!"
(2) See Elliott Coues' "Letter to the Editor" titled
"Attention Theosophists! A Little More 'Light on the Path' for Your
Benefit" which was published in the May 11, 1889 issue (p. 5) of The
Religio-Philosophical Journal (Chicago).
(3). For background information on Mabel Collins and Elliott Coues,
see: Sylvia Cranston's biography HPB, chapter titled "A
Conspiracy Underway," pp. 370-378; also The Theosophical Movement 1875-1950,
Chapter XI, "The Coues-Collins Charges," pp. 143-155.