in a Teapot"]
[Reprinted from The
Bombay Gazette, September 13, 1880, p. 3.]
[For background on the
subject matter of this anonymous
article, see Henry S. Olcott's, Old Diary Leaves, Volume II,
Chapter XIII, "A Little Domestic Explosion," pp. 206-213.
See also Edward Wimbridge's reply to this article. --- BA Editor.]
The paragraph which recently appeared in several papers regarding the split in the ranks
of the Theosophists has drawn forth a circular letter from Col. Olcott, President of the
Society, addressed "to Theosophists and Arya Samajists," in which we are
informed that the disagreement in question is a very small affair and can "no more
impede the progress of the Theosophical Society than the fly does the wheel of the engine
on which it alights", because in the "crusade for universal brotherhood and
Aryan revival, individuals count as nothing; the idea we represent is everything."
The "tempest in a teapot," Col. Olcott aptly terms it, has arisen from the
resignation, voluntary on the gentlemans part but enforced in the case of the lady,
of Mr. [Edward] Wimbridge and Miss [Rosa] Bates, who
accompanied Col. Olcott and Madame Blavatsky when they first came to this country from
America in "the Cause of Universal Brotherhood and the revival of Aryan religion and
science." These colleagues, however, we are now told, were not "equally founders
of the Society and equally occupied in carrying on its work" with Col. Olcott and
Madame Blavatsky, but the entire management, both of the Society and its journal, the Theosophist,
devolved upon the two last named. Neither Mr. Wimbridge nor Miss Bates appear to have been
ever very earnest disciples. Col. Olcott and Madame Blavatsky complain that they
"could never fully sympathise with us in our views & plans." Mr. Wimbridge
does not appear to have taken open objection to any of the rules and tenets of the order,
but he never offered to assist in the work, even in the duties of receiving visitors. As
for Miss Bates, she was evidently a thorn in the sides of both Colonel Olcott and Madame
Blavatsky from the first, and the friction amongst them culminated in a very pretty
quarrel. The circular states: --- "Between Miss Bates and ourselves there has always
been disagreement upon questions of grave importance, as well as of minor, as for
instance, the eating of beef, use of beer, wine, etc., which we would never allow in our
house. An unfortunate quarrel between Miss Bates and a lady theosophist [Emma Coulomb] ,
which broke out and culminated while we were absent in Ceylon, brought on the crisis. Upon
our return the matter was officially investigated, and we were asked by our two colleagues
(Mr. Wimbridge and Miss Bates) to do what we considered an act of injustice, to wit --- to
expel the other lady and her husband [Alexis Coulomb] from the Society and turn them out
of the house in which they were stopping as guests. But, believing that blame was with
both of the disputants, we refused. The bad feeling increased, and, not withstanding all
our efforts we could not bring about a reconciliation. Bitter words ensued until, at last,
in a very grave matter Miss Bates demanded the expulsion of her antagonist for the alleged
breaking of a rule of the Society which she had herself flagrantly violated; and being
charged with the same gave the lie to both Madame Blavatsky and myself, who were witnesses
to the fact. So gross an offence against truth and the dignity of the founders of the
Society could not be passed over." Col. Olcott considers that the affair ought never
to have been made known to the profane public, but "certain unfriendly editors"
having adverted to the matter, and "some good men, our respected Swamijee Dayanand
Saraswati among others," being of opinion that the honour of the Society was in
danger of being compromised, he and Madame Blavatsky join in the explanation we have above
referred to, which is signed "Henry S. Olcott, President of the Theosophical
Society," and countersigned and registered, H. P. Blavatsky, Corresponding Secretary.
[See Edward Wimbridge's reply to this article.]