14, Westbourne Terrace Road, W.
December 14th, 1905.
C. Jinarajadasa Esq.
My dear Raja,
In answer to your specific inquiry, or rather to the one you pass on - for I suspect
you yourself will have divined my answer - I should certainly be not willing to
take any steps which should call renewed attention to any other letters from the Master
except those published in "The Occult World." No others ought ever to have been
published. It was contrary to His wish and mine that this unfortunate result ensued. The
correspondence as a whole was terribly contaminated by what one can only treat as Madame
Blavatskys mediumship in the matter, and a great deal of that which has been allowed
to get into print by the distinct breach of faith on the part of certain persons to whom I
once entrusted copies, the harder it may be to get at them now the better I shall be
pleased. The extracts I published in "The Occult World" were selected with great
care, and they, I feel sure, reflected the Masters thought with sufficient accuracy.
But it must always be remembered that correspondence from a Master, precipitated through
the mediumship of a chela cannot always be regarded as His ipsissima verba. In the
beginning of the "Secret Doctrine" some passages are quoted as from a letter by
the Master, which I know to be deplorable distortions.
I do not actually wish this letter to be published, but you need not make any secret of
what I say in conversation with others.
Ever yours,