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The Path, July, 1889, "Judge the Act:  Not the
Person," Jasper Niemand
"Key to Theosophy"
H.P. Blavatsky



Suppose that a soldier is tried for infringement of oath and discipline, and is dismissed the service. In his rage at the justice he has called down and of whose penalties he was distinctly forewarned, the soldier turns to the enemy with false information, - a spy and traitor -- as a revenge upon his former Chief, and claims that his punishment has released him from his oath of loyalty to a Cause.

[page 98, The Path, July, 1889,]

Turn to the original edition of THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY, page 38 and one finds HPB writing:

This shows that their idea of honour is an imperfect one. How can they be right? As well said in the Path, our theosophical organ at New York, treating of such a case: "
Suppose that a soldier is tried for infringement of oath and discipline, and is dismissed from the service. In his rage at the justice he has called down, and of whose penalties he was distinctly forewarned, the soldier turns to the enemy with false information, - a spy and traitor - as a revenge upon his former Chief, and claims that his punishment has released him from his oath of loyalty to a cause." Is he justified, think you? Don't you think he deserves being called a dishonourable man, a coward?

HPB is in fact quoting from Julia's article!

HPB is quoting from page 98 of that article where the private letter of the Master is quoted which again reads:

"Judge the action, not the person. You never know the true motives. Never judge human nature on its lowest level. Every one has a potential Dugpa in him."



A pledge, once taken, is forever binding in both the moral and the occult worlds. If we break it once and are punished, that does not justify us in breaking it again, and, so long as we do, so long will the mighty lever of the Law react upon us.

[page 98-99, The Path, July, 1889, ]

On page 51 of THE KEY, Madame Blavatsky again writes:

As well expressed in the N. Y. "Path" just cited on this subject, "A pledge once taken, is for ever binding in both the moral and the occult worlds. If we break it once and are punished, that does not justify us in breaking it again, and so long as we do, so long will the mighty lever of the Law (of Karma) react upon us." (The Path, July, 1889.)

Again HPB is here quoting from Julia's own words from her article titled: "Judge the Act: Not the Person: Adepts and Mediums."

So when HPB writes:

"As well said in the Path"


"As well expressed in the N. Y. 'Path'",

she is in fact saying:

as well said and as well expressed by Julia!