Published by The Blavatsky Archives Online.  Online Edition copyright 2000.

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First S.P.R. Report on H.P.B.

From “Some Experiences in India.”  By Mr. W. T. Brown, pp. 15-17.

“Some important incidents might be recorded in connection with the Colonel’s visit to Lucknow and Delhi, and also perhaps with my own and Mr. Naidus’ special tours to Gorakhpore, to Rawal Pindi, and Peshawur, but the place to which our narrative really next pertains is the city of Lahore.  Here, as elsewhere, Colonel Olcott delivered stirring addresses to large audiences; but Lahore has a special interest, because there we saw, in his own physical body, Mahatma Koot Hoomi himself.

“On the afternoon of the 19th November, I saw the Master in broad daylight, and recognised him, and on the morning of the 20th he came to my tent, and said, ‘Now you see me before you in the flesh; look and assure yourself that it is I,’ and left a letter of instructions and silk handkerchief, both of which are now in my possession.

“The letter is as usual written seemingly with blue pencil, is in the same handwriting as that in which is written the communication received at Madras, and has been identified by about a dozen persons as bearing the caligraphy of Mahatma Koot Hoomi.  The letter was to the effect that I had first seen him in visions, then in his astral form, then in body at a distance, and that finally I now saw him in his own physical body, so close to me as to enable me to give to my countrymen the assurance that I was from personal knowledge as sure of the existence of the Mahatmas as I was of my own.  The letter is a private one, and I am not enabled to quote from it at length.

“On the evening of the 21st, after the lecture was over, Colonel Olcott, Damodar and I were sitting outside the shamiana, when we were visited by Djual Khool (the Master’s head Chela, and now an Initiate), who informed us that the Master was about to come.  The Master then came near to us, gave instructions to Damodar, and walked away. . . .

“At Jammoo I had another opportunity of seeing Mahatma Koot Hoomi inpropria persona.  One evening I went to the end of the ‘compound,’ and there I found the Master awaiting my approach.  I saluted in European fashion, and came, hat in hand, to within a few yards of the place on which he was standing . . . After a minute or so he marched away, the noise of his footsteps on the gravel being markedly audible.”
